Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Revenant: The 'Lesser Zombie'

The zombie is probably one of the world's most feared species of monsters. The idea of an infected, cannibalistic individual who spreads a deadly plague across a country or even the world can send the bravest person a chill running up their spine. The Revenant, unlike their more evolved cousins; is an example of this idea. The Revenant is an animated corpse whom returns from the grave after their body is left unburied, not allowing the soul to finally rest in peace. Revenants are known as 'lesser zombies' due to their nature of mainly spreading diseases and terrorizing the living rather than feeding on them. Though they do consume mostly human blood, the Revenant usually chooses their prey due to an act of revenge or a memorable response (which is unlike zombies whom just consume anything alive). Though they are considered to be zombies, they're mainly similar toward vampires in their primal behavior and strategies on hunting. Revenants don't share any spacial abilities with vampires such as their speed and strength but, they do share the thirst for human or animal blood. Revenants can infect people by their saliva, or their decaying body, which, like the zombie virus or the Black Death; can quickly take over an entire town or city. The only way to kill a Revenant is by chopping off the head, stabbing it in the heart, and setting the corpse on fire to prevent further decomposing.    
Revenants and zombies (pictured above) are actually quite different. The Revenat, if you havn't known; 'slumbers' during the day as a lifeless corpse while as for the zombie, it wonders endlessly for food. Unlike vampires though, Revenants are immune to sunlight which gives their 'sleeping' bodies extra protection except for the decaying flesh which can spread numerous diseases including the Revenant Virus.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Inferno Spider: The Spider Truly from Hell

Hell, like any other ecosystem, is vastly filled with different species including the most common demons and devils. Whenever anybody thinks of the word, people generally think of a place where human souls are punished due to their sinfulness and they're right. Hell is an afterlife where the souls of humans go if they breaks certain rules such as murdering another or being an atheist (according to Christianity) to pay for their misdeeds. The Inferno Spider is an arachnid native only to this particular afterlife but, has the ability to travel into the mortal world by catching rides on incoming demons or demonic spirits. In Hell, the Inferno Spider can reach to about eight feet in diameter by adulthood while in our world they can reach up to the size of a tarantula. They can create complex webs that are known to burn the flesh of anything living, except for demons. Inferno Spiders, on both 'dimensions', are solitary hunters who target the weak as a food source. They are ambush predators and tend to use magma-like venom to paralyze their prey. For demons, this venom can easily paralyze them for enough time to allow the large arachnid to feed, however for humans, the venom tends to turn their veins into liquid lava which kills them if untreated. Anti-venom is possible if frozen or froze to the point of become injectable only for human use. Demons on the other hand, can become immune after the paralyzing effects wear off.

Inferno Spiders, like said above, are solitary animals until mating season. During mating season, both males and females fall into a strange, ritualistic  dance once in courtship. This dance can happen from hours to days until their mating ritual is over. Unlike most animals whom lay either eggs or have live birth, both the male and female explode after colliding with each other at the end. After the fiery explosion, eggs and sperm generate young Inferno Spiders within a few seconds creating instant birth. Predators, such as  fire elemental Salamanders, wait until the explosion to feed. In the mortal world, this is a dangerous deal after mating season has began which can result in some body's home to burn down. Like said in the first paragraph, Inferno Spiders catch rides from demons or evil spirits into our world to either obtain prey or create a new breeding population. The only way to get rid of Inferno Spiders is by exorcisms made for their species or are eaten by a fire elemental such as the Salamander mentioned above.
Inferno Spider (shown above) infestations can cause serious problems in our world and must be dealt with before mating begins unless, you don't mind having your house burn to the ground. The two common ways on knowning there is one around is by a sulfuric smell or strange burning from air vents, walls, or unusual places throughout the house.  

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Rock Nest Monster: Exclusive Testudines

A species of Testudine (tortoises and turtles), the Rock Nest Monster is the most exclusive creature ever to roam America. Like its name, this exclusive creature lays porcelain-like eggs which are predator proof and cannot be x-rayed. Rock Nest Monsters are unknown to Monstrologists due to their mysterious nature. No evidence, except for their eggs, have ever proven the creature's behavioral patterns. Due to some evidence and theories, Monstrologists believe that the Rock Nest Monster is an aquatic herbivore and mainly spends its time submerged underwater. Mainly found around the Eno River of North Carolina, evidence had shown that this creature has been found in most of the southern states. Nesting, the largest piece of evidence, shows about twenty eggs surrounded by arranged rocks. The eggs are left to the elements, same as Testudines, and range from mottled brown to light green in color. Its known that the Rock Nest Monster reuses the same rock pile to lay its eggs, making this  a possible means of competition during mating season(s). There is evidence to support that this creature also has a distant cousin living in France called the Rock Less Monster, which is too a mysterious creature.
Above: a photograph of a Rock Nest Monster's nesting site with eggs.

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Suwannee Penguin: Modern Day Cousin of the Extinct Palaeeudyptines

Palaeeudyptines were once the largest species of penguins ever to have existed until extinction took hold of these amazing creatures. Afterwards, the family was lost forever until in 1948, at Florida's Clearwater Beach; strange foot prints were found in the sand. The prints were a mystery until, later that year, a large bird was sighted waddling alongside the beach. This mystery bird stood taller than any human (approx. fifteen feet tall from a distance) and looked similar in appearance toward a penguin. The Suwannee Penguin (named after the same river in Florida) is a modern day cousin of the giant penguins of the far Pacific. These creatures are only found off the coast of North Carolina to the Gulf of Mexico. They're also known to travel inland up large river systems into swamps, marshes, bogs, and even the everglades to mate and lay a single egg. Though they look frightening due to their size, Suwannee Penguins are harmless toward humans and tend to be shy toward them. They'll only attack if somebody frightens or threatens them. Their food sources is a wide variety from fish to aquatic mammals (muskrats) to the fearsome alligator. Predators vary depending on the carnivore's size such as giant alligators or the thought-to-be-extinct Megalodon. Hunting, trapping, and poaching of this rare bird is illegal thanks to the Suwannee Penguin Protection Act (passed in the southern states in the 1950's by Floridian Monstrologists) to help protect this endangered creature from human contact. Also, as a safety measure, Monstrologists created the cover-up called the 'Giant Penguin Hoax' to keep humans from chasing these giant birds just in case the act is dropped (which it had done in the 60's until the early 90's).
The Palaeeudyptines (such as the Kairuku Penguin, shown above) were mainly found in areas such as New Zealand, Antarctica, and even Australia. The Suwannee Penguins are only found in the United States/Mexico and don't enjoy the cold like their modern day cousins.  

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Horses of Diomedes: Man-Eating Horses of the Black Sea

Diomedes' Horses are one of the world's most dangerous Equidaes (horses, donkeys, and zebras) due to their unnatural behavior to consume flesh from either animals or humans who come into contact. First originated in Southern countries nearby the Black Sea starting at Romania throughout Northern Turkey, the horses were accidentally brought to Greece by merchants trying to sell the horses to farmers. Unfortunately, a few escaped and created a small population within the country. In appearance, the horses vary between sexes with colors ranging from white to black. Males, smaller, are less aggressive and are omnivorous while the females, larger, are more aggressive and are carnivorous. Diomedes' Horses (unlike domestic and wild horses) have sharp, jagged teeth used for ripping food from their victims except for males, which have only K-9s and grinding teeth due to their omnivorous lifestyle. In the wild, females are usually in charge of a herd and are violent toward each other during mating season in which gender roles switch (males are picked by the females instead of the opposite of other animals). Domestication is still possible, but remember to always have in mind that even though females tend to be less aggressive in captivity, they still have a carnivore's thirst for blood.
Diomedes' Horses (shown above) were once part of the twelve labors of Hercules in which he binded their mouths shut with chains. This method is still used today whenever someone wants to 'break-in' the horses for domestication.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Bandersnatch: The Frumious Monster

The Bandersnatch is a species of large, carnivorous mammals that are only found in a few regions of Europe which mainly includes the United Kingdom and Germany. In appearance, the Bandersnatch looks something like between a bulldog and a "monster". With its bulldog-like face with rows of razor sharp teeth, the Bandersnatch can quickly rip apart prey without even breaking a sweat. Like a shark, the Bandersnatch can lose and regrow teeth without even noticing. The creature is lightly greyed in color and has black spots all over its body. The Bandersnatch is covered with long hair with a long, furry tail. Bandersnatches are both incredibly strong and unnaturally fast which gives the creature an upper edge while hunting down large prey. The Bandersnatch even has an extended neck which allows the creature, while running, to grab hold onto its prey (mainly deer or boar) without having to tackle its victim. The Bandersnatch produces a foul odor from its body which would repel any predators from attacking it and can automatically "turn off" the odor while hunting. They live throughout the winter thanks to their long fur and can survive without food for almost a week if they successfully kill a large enough prey (like for example a dragon). Bandersnatches are naturally aggressive toward other animals/humans in the wild but, in captivity; they can become the most loyal of friends and are totally harmless toward their masters. Hunting a Bandersnatch takes dedication, patience, and intelligence with a few hints of craziness.
The Bandersnatch (shown above) is one of the world's most dangerous and exclusive creatures on the planet.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Strong Toad: Chile’s Invulnerable Toad

The Strong Toad is a very unique species of magical amphibians that are only native to Chile. In appearance, the creature looks like a normal horned toad except for a turtle-like shell on its back. The Strong Toad has the power of invulnerability, which allows the creature to withstand most harm and can actually glow-in-the-dark thanks to its unnatural skin. Strangely, one may think that the invulnerability is the creature's main defense mechanism. In reality, the Strong Toad's eyes actually have the ability to hypnotize any other life form away or toward the creature. Humans and predators are usually repelled but, insects or small mammals like mice are attracted toward the animal. Staring down either a predator or prey allows the Strong Toad to wisely choose which animal can get close enough to it, and if all else fails; the invulnerability protects the animal from any potential harm. Strong Toads are known to be great pets (only by choosing their owners) and are known to be great "guard dogs" due to their abilities. Though if a person ever wanted to kill a Strong Toad, fire is the most effective away due to the creature's amphibious nature but, just remember to burn it thoroughly until its reduced to cinders. Strong Toads are generally harmless but, are very picky on what or who they want to meet.
Over a century, Monstrologists have argued if the Strong Toad (illustrated above) is actually related to amphibians or reptiles. Until only recently, it has been confirmed that the animal is actually an amphibian thanks to recent technology.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Dōmo-kōmo: The Japanese Species of Ettin

The Dōmo-kōmo is a human sized species of Ettin (two headed Giants) that live around Japanese towns or cities in the forest filled mountains. Rarely appearing in urban areas, the Dōmo-kōmo will only travel into populated areas if their prey sources are running low or if an environmental threat is currently occurring. Unlike most species of Giant, the  Dōmo-kōmo is carnivorous and will consume humans if a chance arrives. Humans, though not their normal meal, can fall victim with this very intelligent creature. Intelligence varies amongst individuals and will determine if the creature is a threat or harmless. Rodents, birds, other small mammals, most reptiles, and children can be easily killed by a large enough specimen (ranging between 7.5 to 8 feet tall). The Dōmo-kōmo are known to use either brute strength or murderous tools such as knives or axes to successfully kill their prey. Like Ettins, each head controls one set of the body: the left head controls the left side and the same with the right. Usually the right head is more of a leader for the left head to follow but, the Dōmo-kōmo differs because most individuals seem to be equally the same giving this species a greater edge on survival. Killing a Dōmo-kōmo varies but, killing at least one of the heads will either stun the creature or will cause the remaining head to control the entire body which would cause the creature to tire quicker.
The Dōmo-kōmo (illustrated above) were once to believed to be Oni (Japanese "Demon" Ogres) which later turned out to be related to Ettins, which are only found in isolated areas in Europe.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Howler Wasp: Deadly but, Practical

An 'aberration' is a strange beast that had adapted to any environment in a more bizarre and different way then other creatures. The Howler Wasp is an example of what an aberration is and considered to be one of the dangerous. Half-primate; half-insect, the Howler Wasp is an social animal and are known to hunt in swarms. Being extremely aggressive and hostile to other creatures, the Howler Wasp is a monster that shouldn't be encountered (including the most experienced). They're known to live in large nests that are made with any surrounding materials such as dry leaves, rocks, trash, and even the bones/skin from their victims. The Howler Wasp is part of a 'hive mind' community, which mainly means that the queen of the nest controls all of the workers which surround her making them mere clones of different sexes. The Queen Howler Wasp is much larger than all the workers and is about the size of a small pick-up truck. The drones (or workers) can grow up to the size of a medium sized dog. Life spans for the workers can only last up to six months but, the Queen can last for years.  Howler Wasps are carnivorous and will hunt down any living organism that happens to come into contact of their nest. Usually, a single Howler Wasp will travel up to ten miles to search for a large source of food.

On the attack, the Howler Wasp's venom can easily paralyze a human within seconds, leaving them defenseless against other attacks. Howler Wasps either attack with their stingers, the scythe-like arms, or their powerful jaws with sharp teeth. If a Howler Wasp is wounded, the creature indistinctly sprays their attacker with a pheromone which signal others to attack. Water is the only way to wash away the pheromones. There are only a few of natural enemies of the Howler Wasp which mainly includes giant species of arachnids. They're known to survive in almost any habitat except for in extreme cold temperatures. Howler Wasps are mainly found in warm climates such as rain forests, temperate forests, and even deserts (mainly in the Middle East). The best method on killing a Howler Wasp colony is the use of fire or quickly exterminate the Queen.
Once a Howler Wasp's nest (shown above) grows too large, experienced exterminators must be called in before the colony gets too large to contain for both human, animal, and even environmental safety.  

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Forest Ghoul: Hiding in the Canopy

The Forest Ghoul is a species of ghoul that lives in the canopy of remote North American forests throughout the country. This species is mainly nocturnal and will hide out of view during the daytime hours. In appearance, the Forest Ghoul is slender and more equipped for climbing tall trees with their long, bony hands with sharp claws used for digging into the bark to successfully get a grip. Unlike the common Ghoul (that are known to shape-shift and are mainly found in graveyards eating the dead), the Forest Ghoul hunts for prey ranging from small rodents to deer on the ground at night. Humans aren't their favorite prey but, they will attack if threatened. Forest Ghouls are quite shy creatures but, can be dangerous if somebody threatens their homes (which are mainly inside trees). Unlike ghouls, this species doesn't have the ability to transform a human into their own species (see 'Ghoul Fever' in "Seven Common Diseases and Illnesses in the World of Monstrology") because the Forest Ghouls can reproduce sexually with their own members. Forest Ghoul infestations are possible and the most reasonable way to get rid of them is to cut off their food supply, in which the ghouls would simply move to another location. If your the violent type, exterminate them until they leave but, don't be surprise if they as well become violent with you. In reality, Forest Ghouls are quite harmless if left alone or are respected correctly.
This is a photograph (shown above) of a Forest Ghoul hunting on the ground for food. This is a rare photograph as well because next to being shy, they're exclusive creatures and are rarely seen.

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Ash Rat: An Ashwinder’s Favorite Snack

The element of fire is a destructive forced used by both humans and monsters to gain what they need to overcome challenges. Dragons use this element to kill predators,and humans, the dangerous of all monsters; use it to also exterminate any unwanted species. The Ash Rat is a species of fire-dwelling rodents that spread fires across forests, cities, and other environments that cause harm to societies and communities. Like the mythical Salamander, the Ash Rat nourishes off of the element of fire and the heat they produce, depending on how much temperature the creature has gathered, can ignite anything combustible. In appearance, the Ash Rat can come in three main colors of black, gray, or brown (indicating the amount of flame the creature had absorbed with brown being the healthiest and black the opposite). Ash Rats have orange/red eyes with yellow-colored, over-sized front teeth. Though these features can be visible, the rest of the body cannot due to the creature's ability to exude a cloud of sooty smoke from its body allowing the Ash Rat to hide in smoke from predators. The Ash Rat can reach up to two feet depending on how much heat is presented in their environment. Only a few predators are capable of consuming the Ash Rat such as predatory Salamanders, some species of dragons, and the Ashwinder, a species of snake that's born from magical flames. Like normal rats and snakes, the Ash Rat and the Ashwinder are mortal enemies. Humans must keep Ash Rat populations to a minimum due to their threat to human/animal safety. Cold is the only way to successfully kill an Ash Rat but, if the body is reintroduced to anything heat source, the rodent can be brought back to life.
The Ash Rat (shown above) can become pets if kept in fireproof cages but, is only recommended for the highly experienced due to their molten lava-like bites which they can inflict on their owners.

Friday, August 24, 2012

The Owlbear: Doesn’t Give a ‘Hoot’

The Owlbear is a weird hybrid creature that's a cross between an owl and a bear. They're only found in remote northwestern forests alongside the Rockies of the United States into Canada. Being carnivorous, the Owlbear will eat anything that happens to cross its path. Reaching up between eight to ten feet in height, the Owlbear can easily overpower any creature it runs into. Their beak and large claw-like talons create heavy damage to whoever disturbs this ferocious creature. The Owlbear only live in large caves, which causes constant struggles with other North American cave-dwelling creatures such as bears and the Giant North American Drop Bear, with their lifelong mates. Mating starts out in the earlier years of an Owlbear's life and after choosing one, they'll stay with each other until one/both dies. Owlbear behavior mainly focuses around aggression and ferocity toward different species but, to other members of the same genus, the Owlbear is friendlier and more social. Hybridization is possible with other Owlbear species alongside with domestication (which is only supported for the most experienced). Owlbear hunting is prohibited in both Canada and North America due to low populations.
There are six main species of Owlbears: the Common (shown above - featured article), the Arctic, the Winged, the Winterclaw, the Pygmy and the Greater alongside with thirty-six different hybrids that are possible if in captivity.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Peruvian Vipertooth: Bacterial Bite or Truly Venomous?

The Peruvian Vipertooth is a species of dragon that can grow up to fifteen feet in length and only lives in the eastern and northeastern part of Peru. In appearance, the Vipertooth has copper colored skin with a black ridge-markings and short horns upon its head. This species of dragon with hunt for livestock such as goats and cows but, has the taste for human flesh whenever opportunity arrives upon the creature. This species of dragon cannot breathe fire but, makes up with range attacks for stealthy ambushes as this dragon can conceal itself from sight. The Peruvian Vipertooth are known to repopulate very quickly during mating seasons in the summer and must be controlled by exterminating  before human deaths begin to increase. Vipertooth blood, similar to most dragons, is highly poisonous and must be taken care of before it effects the environment and public health.

Monstrologists have argued over the past couple centuries that the Vipertooth has more of a bacterial bite rather than having venom glands linked to fangs. In most Vipertooth attacks, infections are known to happen if a lucky victim escapes the clutches of this species but, afterwards the person dies from an unknown reason. In some attacks, people begin to bloat or flesh begins to be eaten away from an unknown toxin that dissolves most of the body's organs. Dead Vipertooth carcasses don't allow us to simply gain this answer due to its poisonous blood and the fumes that exit the body as it decay that have been proven to be deadly. Thankfully, back in the year of 1999, the answer turned out that the Vipertooth has a mixture of the two due to its age. Young dragons of this species process the venom glands to help the creature protect itself or to hunt while the adults tend to use deadly bacterial saliva to mainly finish off the prey item. Another study also shows that young Peruvian Vipertooth Dragons are more likely to hunt humans due to their agile speed and strength in which the adults mainly focus hunting livestock for easier meals.
The Peruvian Vipertooth (shown above) is a deadly species of dragon and must be respected at all costs. Hunting these dragons are illegal during the other seasons other than summer in which many Monster Hunters, Slayers, and Monstrologists gather to reduce the population for public safety.

The Hoot Pecker: Fighting for Survival

The Hoot Pecker is an avian species that's a mixture between an owl and a woodpecker. Once found throughout the entire United States, the Hoot Pecker is only found in the state of Michigan due to urbanization and hunting. The Hoot Pecker, like the woodpecker, are known to eat insects and uses their pointed beak to drill into tree bark for their prey. Only being twelve inches tall, the Hoot Pecker is small enough to evade capture from larger predators such as eagles, hawks, and even owls. The Hoot Pecker emits a owl-like hooting to attracting mates, scaring off most terrestrial/avian predators, and for communication amongst others of its own kind. Though they do have talons, which they do use to hunt large insects such as grasshoppers or mice, are only for fighting off predators or rivals. The Hoot Pecker only sleeps thirty minutes each day due to its busy lifestyle in which they patrol local Michigan forests for insects and other pests. This is why humans like having Hoot Peckers around for getting rid of annoying pests. Different programs were created to help the Hoot Pecker gain a comeback throughout the United States.
Hoot Peckers are in a constant struggle with competition with woodpeckers for the same food source (shown above) and man-made construction. Though thankfully preserves and programs were created in different states including Michigan for the creature's comeback but, it is still unsure if the Hoot Pecker would return to its original roots of becoming common throughout the United States.

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Werecrow: Silhouettes in the Moonlight

The Werecrow (a.k.a. 'Wereravens' in northern regions) is the second of only two Were-Beasts that can naturally fly. The venom of the Werecrow is low and is stored in the tip of beak. Their venom will only effect the deathly ill, elderly, and young children. The Werecrow, similar to the Werebat, is also a rarity in nature. Turning into humanoid crows during the full moon, the transformation results in the person becoming a large humanoid bird with dark black feathers. With their natural color, the Werecrow is a stealthy predator with only the full moon giving the creature away with its silhouette. Silver, like all Were-Beasts, is the only way to kill a Werecrow. They only consume dying or dead flesh from bodies ranging from the smallest animal to the largest herbivore. Personality traits result in which region the Werecrow (or 'Wereraven') is found. Normally, 'Wereravens' are more friendly and less aggressive to humans than the ones in the southern regions.
Silhouettes in the moonlight are usually Werecrows searching for prey. They're known to attack humans and other creatures if they threaten the Were-Beast in anyway or whenever decaying flesh isn't around.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Werebat: The Were-Beast of the Nighttime Skies

The Werebat is a rarity in nature. Related to the many species in the Were-Beast family, the Werebat is one of only two species that can naturally fly. The Werebat's venom is high and will effect anyone. It only consumes blood, like vampire bats, from humans, mammals, and subhumans. They're mortal enemies of vampires like werewolves due to competition for the same food source. The Werebat will only transform during a full moon which is a trait of Were-Beasts. Like bats, they use echolocation for hunting and will attack whenever a chance for food arrives. Silver is the only way to kill a Werebat which is apparently unknown to most hunters who use stakes thinking they're mutated vampires which always results in death. Holding still and controlling one's heart rate will cause a person to turn invisible to the creature. Interesting fact about Werebats are that they can actually see well in pitch dark environments such as deep caves with low lights. Bright lights can blind the bat while disorientating with extremely loud noises for easy escapes. Werebats naturally return to temperate forests or regions including dark caves each transformation.
Being an extremely rare Were-Beast, Werebat accounts are an handful including the famous Spring Heeled Jack cases that involved a juvenile Werebat.

The Kukuweaq: The Iceberg Sized Polar Bear (…with Ten Legs)

Imagine a gigantic polar bear the size of the same iceberg that sunk the Titanic but, with a total of ten legs. The Kukuweaq is a horrifying beast that lives in the barren ice lands of Alaska and some regions of Canada. Five legs on the right and five on the left, the Kukuweaq uses its many legs to successfully travel great distances through frozen terrain. The Kukuweaq's teeth are designed for biting and holding onto large prey such as whales who venture to close to the surface or Boar Whales, which are grey whale sized, aquatic boars that live in or around large chunks of icebergs. The Kukuweaq is a deadly predator and rarely any other creature will fight the Kukuweaq for food or as food. Being aquatic, the Kukuweaq can also swim great distances in search for large prey and stay submerged for about three to four hours. Being incredibly strong, they can break through the hardest of ice to contain prey on the surface such as seals, polar bears, and caribou.

Only living in dens, the Kukuweaq only uses the den for nursing areas for raising their young. The mother will either dig a den into the ice or steal a burrow from a Remorhaz (which is a twenty foot long insect that lives in barren snowy plains). Once there, the mother with stay with her young unless the need to feed or when they become old enough to defend for themselves. Mating happens year long whenever a female is in heat as well as the male in musk. Kukuweaq young are "easy" to kill but, the adults are almost impossible. Kukuweaq meat tastes like polar bear with more toughness and can sustain an entire Eskimo village for a couple of weeks. A special permit and permission from the government is needed for hunting a Kukuweaq.
Kukuweaq (shown above) are creatures that must be respected and avoided by anyone who enters frozen terrains. Like the Polar Bear, the Kukuweaq is endangered due to climate changes that effects the creature's lifestyle and enviroment.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

The Mandrill Fish: Freaky Creature from the Deep

In the year of 2006, a strange sea creature had washed ashore on Tampa Beach, Florida. This creature was believed to be unknown to science until a few weeks later when another creature of the same species was caught in fishing nets in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Monstrologists have named this weird species of fish the Mandrill Fish. With a fanged face similar in appearance of a mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx), it was theorized that this species was carnivorous. The living specimen, sadly died moments later after capture but, its body gave Monstrologists clues on how this creature lived. Being a deep-sea fish, the Mandrill Fish's body was specially structured to survive the depths of the ocean and have evolved luminous eyes to help the creature hunt for prey. The horn on top of its head was theorized for attracting mates or for stabbing enemies including predators such as sharks. Males and females of the species were soon discovered to have differences in markings. Females being brownish in color while the males, similar to the primate it shares its name, has colorful painted faces. Believe or not, it turns out the one that washed ashore was a male due to its size and the one captured was a small female. Lots about the Mandrill Fish is still unknown such as behavior, movement, intelligence, and true prey source to science. It is known that the Mandrill Fish lives in the depths of the Atlantic and possibility the Pacific.
The photograph above is the original Mandrill Fish that was found washed ashore in 2006. It was believed to be a "gaff" or sideshow "souvenirs" such as the Feejee Mermaid but, was later proved otherwised.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Giant American Drop Bear: The Killer Koala that Dropped on America

The Drop Bear is the carnivorous cousin of the friendly koala of Australia that are known to invade and adapt in other countries. There are two known species in the eastern hemisphere: the Australian and the New Zealand. The Australian, less aggressive then the New Zealand, is the smallest of the species and are more adapted for tree life. The New Zealand, more aggressive, is a medium sized Drop Bear that have adapted for both canopy and ground life. There is only one species of Drop Bear that lives in the western hemisphere: the Giant American Drop Bear. This species is the largest of the species and have adapted for living in mountainous areas (such as the Rockies and the Appalachians).
Being abnormally aggressive than the other two known species, this species will attack anything from humans to larger predators. They're known to attack the largest of grizzlies, wild boars, cougars, elk, deer (mainly bucks), and rarely supernatural predators such as the Sasquatch or the Onza (larger species of feline related to cougar).

Giant American Drop Bears, weighting heavier, are known to either live in large enough trees that can withstand their weight or in caves. Large cave-dwelling animals (mainly bears) must compete for shelter in caves with this large animal. Giant American Drop Bears hibernate during the winter and this is the main reason why bears go into a brutal death-match with this larger predator. Usually the Drop Bear wins which allows the creature to use the body of the bear as food during the freezing months. The only way to kill a Giant American Drop Bear is by using armor-piercing weapons because of their thick fur that keeps the creature warm during cold months.
This photograph above is a human victim of the Giant American Drop Bear who became extremely lucky for escaping its clutches. Normally, this Drop Bear can easily succeed into killing a person.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Mole Troll: A Unique Species

The Mole Troll is one of only a handful of troll species capable of surviving in the sunlight. Unlike most troll species, their bodies don't react violently toward Ultraviolet (UV) rays. In appearance, the Mole Troll is a quadruped species that are covered with moldy hair with lizard-like body features. Though can be blinded by bright lights, the Mole Troll uses its long tongue to located prey in pitch black environments. Mole Trolls only live in subterranean tunnels in which these creatures use their powerful claws to dig through dirt, rock, concrete, and even some metals. They're known to invade underground sewers nearby large cities and will eat almost anything ranging from trash to humans. Originally found in Norway, these creatures were accidentally brought into the other regions of Europe and even the United States. Though seem invincible after eliminating the UV lights, these creatures can be killed by brute force.
Mole Troll tunnels (photo above) are used by many subterranean creatures such as earthworms, insects, bats, and other nocturnal creatures which usually become prey to a hungry Mole Troll.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The Ohio Grassman: The Sasquatch of Ohio

Throughout the state of Ohio and some parts of Southern Canada, there lives a creature related to the Northwestern Sasquatch species: The Ohio Grassman. The Grassman is a regional species that differs from their Northwestern cousins. Differences include that they live in social groups of five individuals,"cooperative" hunting of large forest game (deer mainly), the ability to use tools to create dwellings if caves are unavailable, and are more seen nearby farmlands rather than in the middle of forests where human contact is unlikely. Specimens of Grassmen range between five to ten feet tall with large footprints (range between 10-20 inches) of an estimated weight around 300 to 1000 pounds. The Ohio Grassman's appearance are similar toward their cousins but, are more gorilla-like with a perfect straight posture. Though it is unknown if this species is mostly part of the Skunk Ape or Sasquatch family, due to a few different footprints, Monstrologists and Cryptozoologists have guessed that some individuals are just misidentified or own genes from both families. For example, some Ohio Grassmen sightings include a rotten egg smell which surrounds the creature similar toward the Southern Skunk Apes.

The Ohio Grassmen, though afraid of humans, will attack if provoked and are known to kill dogs. Some reports indicated that the Ohio Grassmen are quite opportunists as some have been known to try to break into people's houses to get to food. Being omnivorous, the Grassman only eats in trees where feces have been found which supports this theory. They're known to eat edible bark, corn, wild berries, and deer. For communication, the Ohio Grassmen either use loud screams/cries, heavy breathing, and wood-knocking, which includes the creature hitting a large stick against trees for warnings. The Ohio Grassman is an unique regional species and should be treated with respect.    
Typical illustration of an Ohio Grassman

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Tarponosaurus: ‘Tarpie’ is Her Name

The Tarponosaurus (nicknamed 'Tarpie' by locals) is a species of modern day dinosaurs related to the weird Therizinosaurus, which lived during the Late Cretaceous period. Growing up to ten to thirty feet in length and towering over any human, this modern dinosaur is one of the biggest in the world. In appearance, this creature has some Therizinosauridae-like features such as huge, powerful arms with large claw fingers and an alligator-like head. Males have waterproof feathers on their bodies while females have only smooth/scaly reptilian skin. They're amphibious and their main locomotion is being bipedal on land. The Tarponosaurus, though omnivorous, will eat from aquatic plants to large alligators but, they're capable of eating humans. Mainly found in Lake Tarpon (hence the name) in Tarpon Springs, Florida; these creatures are known to migrate if food supplies vary. The Tarponosaurus are known to live in underwater cave systems that are reported underneath the lake where the creatures socialize, sleep, and mate.
The first official Tarponosaurus sighting was a female of the species which are featherless unlike the males (featured above). Females mainly make up more of the sightings then males.  

The Hidebehind: Attacking Out of Nowhere

Have you ever seen something out from the corner of your eye? Not knowing what the supposed thing you saw was either real or not? The Hidebehind is a mammalian creature that lives in remote areas of states that borderline Canada (examples: Washington, Oregon, and Maine) and uses its natural ability to conceal itself for hunting not just animals but, humans as well. Being an aggressive creature, the Hidebehind will attack anything it finds as a food source. Though no person or creature has successfully laid their eyes upon this beast, the Hidebehind is out there. Hidebehinds conceal themselves by sucking in their bodies to allow them to disappear behind even the thinnest of trees. Being a shy but, ferocious creature; Hidebehinds are rarely seen out in the open due to their need to camouflage themselves. Humans and animals who fall prey to this monster are taken back to the creature's lair to devour only the intestines (which are known to be a Hidebehind's favorite snack due to bodies being discovered in remote areas). The only way to repel Hidebehinds is alcohol, which is confirmed to burn the creature's skin/hair. Hidebehinds are the masters of stealth and should be heavily respected while hiking in areas that attacks do happen.

Here's an illustartion of a Hidebehind about to attack a unknowingly victim. Hidebehinds are nocturnal hunters and campers must be warned to have a bottle of alcohol with them to avoid encounters (drink responsibility).

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Ukrainian Ironbelly: The Metallic Dragon of Ukraine

The Ukrainian Ironbelly is a large species of wyvern (reaching up to sixty feet in length or more) that are only native to Ukraine. Ironbellies in appearance are large metallic-grey silvery dragons with large wingspans and deep red eyes. This dragon is capable of breathing fire and uses its flame only to ward off predators or intruders. Weighing up to six tonnes, this dragon's weight is its ally while hunting from the air as the Ironbelly crashes straight into its prey. The Ironbelly can fly but, it only glides through the air instead of using power flight (flapping wings) which uses up too much energy. This dragon lives on the tallest peaks of mountains which allows the creature to get enough lift to fly correctly. The Ukrainian Ironbelly, though similar to its smaller cousins the Horntail and the Ridgeback, are capable of using their wings similar in the manner as bats but, due to strong muscles in their legs they can become fully bipedal similar to the Zilants, African, and European wyverns. Ironbellies eat large prey items such as large game animals and even smaller dragons. They rarely consume humans and tend to stay away from people unless provoked.
The Ukrainian Ironbellies may appear scary due to their size but, can be succussfully trained for protecting somebody's special belongings by rasing them at an early age. Though illegal in most countries, these dragons do become great pets (if you have enough room for a six tonne dragon).

The Hungarian Horntail: The Wyvern of Hungary

The Hungarian Horntail is a species of wyvern (species include the Horntail, the Ironbelly, the African, the Ridgeback, the Zilant, and the European) that are only found in the mountain ranges of Hungary. In appearance, the dragon can grow fifty feet long, has blackish-bronze scales plus horns, and a spiked tail. Unlike most wyverns, the Horntail walks similar toward a bat by using its wings to quickly move across the ground or mountain side. It does have the ability to breathe fire, which can reach up to the same length of its own body. The Horntail, due to its light skeletal structure, allows the dragon to fly faster than a small plane. The Hungarian Horntail is one of the most dangerous dragons ever on record (next to its European cousin) thanks to its aggression, speed, and brute strength.

The Horntail mates once a year during mating season, where a single mother will lay one cement-colored egg. During the hatching process, the young Horntail will uses its club tail to smash through the hard egg shell. The tail will later be uses to attract mates, hunting, and defending territories after reaching adulthood. The Hungarian Horntail will attack and consume livestock such as sheep and goats plus, if possible, humans. Due to its aggression, Horntails are illegal to keep as pets and one must obtain a special license to display it in  Magizoological Gardens (a.k.a. zoos).
Hungarian Horntails (photo above) are dangerous and should be respected while in their territory. These dragons should never be hand-raised as well as sold on black markets due to their aggression and brutish attacks against both friends and foes.  

The Swamp Auger: Troublesome Boat Sinkers

Related to the puffin, the Swamp Auger is a small puffin-like bird with a long, corkscrew-like beak that live in freshwater lakes and swamps that are mainly used by fishermen of the United States. In appearance, the Swamp Auger are larger than any known species of puffins (17 inches tall) with a light coloration except for a black feathered head. The Swamp Auger does have the ability to fly but, only for short distances. They use their corkscrew-like beaks to drill three inch holes into the side of a larger animal (usually large bass or fish) to gets chucks of meat from the fish's body. The Swamp Auger only eats fish (main food source are minnows and small fish) and are harmless toward humans whom swim in the waters amongst them. Though they can become an annoyance by fishermen as they believe that their boat is a large fish at the surface, they can be shooed away by tickling their beaks or by sprinkling cayenne pepper on the nose. Though most of the times the Swamp Auger will instinctual drill deeper into the bottom of the boat (thinking it as food), only rarely to realize it isn't a fish at the surface and would swim away. If one does get stuck, either it would stay there long enough for somebody to reach shore, sprinkle pepper on its nose which would cause it to exhale (making it remain stuck in the bottom of the boat), or you have to hold onto the beak long enough until you reach shore. Though many believe they're pests that must be shot on sight; they're good for the environment, and can actually be trained by humans and other races for their usefulness.   
Swamp Augers (illustrated above) are only found from the Great Lakes to the Flordia Everglades. They do migrate South if the temperature begins to decrease for warmer waters by swimming down/up rivers (rarely flying).  

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Jubjub Bird: Beware!

In the deep, dark forests of Germany lives the dangerous bird known as the Jubjub. The Jubjub Bird is a large bird of prey that resembles a mixture between a vulture and a speckled chicken with a red head, long yellow beak, and a purple tongue. It's blood-chilling shrills can be heard from miles as the Jubjub goes out on the hunt of any prey that suites the bird's needs. Though rarely consuming humans, people must become aware whenever they hear the bird's terrifying screams because this species is large enough to take down a grown man without warning. Aggressive in nature, the Jubjub will attack any creature it chooses even if the other creature is larger then the bird itself (examples include dragons, brown bears, and grey wolves). The Jubjub bird is both an active hunter and a scavenger.

Jubjub Birds only nest in trees and are rarely found on the ground unless eating large animals such as elk or bear. They usually carry their prey back to their high up nests in tall trees to feast. The Jubjub is greatly feared by both humans and other creatures which make avoiding this creature completely while walking through areas these birds are known to live. The Jubjubs are known to live in small flocks if food supply is more abundant. Large males are usually the ones in charge of the flock but, females can be as well. If food supplies aren't abundant than normally, then the Jubjubs will be at each other throats and turn into solitary predators. They're known to be also cannibalistic during the winter as prey go into hibernation. Jubjub Birds are also found in some areas of Western Europe and in small Eastern regions of Russia's large forests.        
The Jubjub Bird (illustrated above) are quite ferocious and aggressive in the wild but, can be train into mild pets toward the bravest humans in the world. The Jubjub can become a great ally if you train it correctly.

The Tonnage Rat: Rockslide Fixers of the Mountains

The Tonnage Rat (a.k.a. the Engineer Rat) is a species of colonized, reptilian-like rodents that live in large burrows in the mountain sides throughout the Rockies and the Appalachians of the United States. This creature barely comes out of their burrows unless food and water supplies run low. The Tonnage Rat in appearance are large, slim rats with some reptilian-like features underneath their fur. They are insectivores and only hunt underground unless the need to search for more food comes. The Tonnage Rat are the favorite prey of avian predators such as eagles and young Thunderbirds. This rodent-like creature only comes out from its burrow if a rock slide occurs that exposes the Tonnage Rat's burrow. After a rock slide occurs, hundreds of these rats race against time to recover the rocks which exposes their homes by placing them back in correct order. This usually takes about two hours for completion unless a predator arrives then it would take longer. These modern day synapsids (prehistoric mammalian reptiles) do lay eggs but, these large eggs are squarish in shape and are stacked amongst each other to keep them warm.
The photograph above is of a rock slide. Usually the Tonnage Rat does re-fix the rocks into their correct place unless the natural disaster doesn't expose their burrows. The greatest threat to these creatures are the Slide-Rock Bolters of Colorado, which created rock slides to capture prey.

The Bladenboro Lynx: The Vampire Beast

The attacks started in 1954 in Bladenboro County of North Carolina when a large feline-like creature started attacking people's pets for a food supply. The Beast of Bladenboro (now known by Monstrologists as the Bladenboro Lynx) is a species of strange felines that live deep in the swampy areas of Bladenboro County and favor the blood from small animals such as pets like dogs and cats. The Bladenboro Lynx is an endangered species and only a small population of these fascinating creatures live in that one county of North Carolina. Being stealthy and nocturnal, these creatures sneak upon their prey and spring into action by snapping their prey's jaws/neck then drains out the blood. Though this species was once part of a larger population throughout the South-Eastern seaboard of the United States, extinction soon followed after being hunted for the protection of livestock and pets. The natural rivals of the Bladenboro Lynx are larger predators such as black bears, feral dogs, and even the cougar (if such an animal is in the area). It is now illegal to shoot and kill these heavily protected species which are on the verge of extinction once more.
Though terrifying in appearence, this 'Vampire Beast' are actually shy of humans and rarely attack. Cougars, feral dogs, and black bears are usually the main caulprits of killing pets/small animals and people then assume its the Bladenboro Lynx as the real killer.  

The Peruvian Swamp Slug: Venom vs. Antidote

The Peruvian Swamp Slug is only native to the moist jungles of Peru and are quite horrifying in appearance. This black slug with sharp teeth can reach up to one feet in length and are venomous. The venom doesn't attack the body directly but, the person's mind by altering their behavior and personality. Hallucinations are also known to occur if the venom isn't treated and will later result in insanity then death. Though this gastropod only eats small animals such as insects, other gastropods, small birds, reptiles, and mammals; larger creatures such as careless humans will become bitten if provoked. Thankfully, the Peruvian Swamp Slug's body holds a secret weapon: an antidote to counter the venom. This safety mechanism allows the slug to re-choose its victim or to heal itself after being bit by a rival Swamp Slug. Humans and other animals with knowledge of this secret use it to their advantage by just being re-bitten by either the same or different animal. Peruvian Swamp Slugs are ambush hunters by staying still for hours or even days until a prey source of a right size happens to cross its path.
The Peruvian Swamp Slugs may be venomous, but they can become great pets mainly due to their safety mechanism and are easy to care for.   

The Borlak: Attacking from Beneath

The Borlak is a modern day cousin of the dreaded dinosaurs which walked the Earth millions of years ago. This six to seven foot tall lizard is capable of weighing between 350-500 pounds, which gives the creature the edge on taking down medium sized prey. Though shy in nature, the Borlak will attack if provoked in order to defend its life or territory and rarely the creature will attack humans as a food source. In appearance, this human sized reptile resembles a prehistoric-looking beast with blue skin with yellow spines. The Borlak is an excellent swimmer which makes this creature dangerous as in the water than on land. Being an ambush hunter, the Borlak will dive beneath its victim (ex: a swimming moose) and then charge up to its prey to drag it underneath the water with its powerful jaws. The Borlak can be found in both the Americas and Canada in either swamps, rivers, and freshwater lakes.

Did you know that the Borlak can't digest fur, hair, clothing, or feathers? Due to its failure to fully digests birds and mammals, the Borlak had invented a low acidic vapor that could dissolve the fur or feathers of any animal. When a Borlak hunts, either on land or in water, it will release this vapor from its mouth to helpfully dissolve the items that cannot be digested. On land, the Borlak sprays it out of nowhere toward its victim and will either run off (due to a human or larger predator's presence) or will consume the prey item. In the water, if the prey isn't an amphibian, reptile, or fish, the Borlak will instantly spray its victim as it drags it underwater to successfully remove anything indigestible before consuming. Though the vapor can't melt the prey item's skin, it has been known to leave rashes on the body of humans if somebody has a reaction to the low acid the Borlak creates.   
The Borlak (image above) can both survive in cold and warm climates. It has adapted the ability to create body heat during the winter months through the United States and in Canada. The creature is known to hibernate if the weather worsens (heavy snowfall) but, will awaken once temperatures get into the right settings once again.

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Repticore: The Salamander Hunter

The Repticore is a creature of great size and has one of the largest appetites in Monstrology. Ranging between twelve to twenty feet tall and weighing up to 32000 pounds, this beast is a frightening creature to run into. In appearance, the Repticore is a massive, green reptilian beast with huge jaws, has five tendrils from their chins, black eyes, and two long tentacles protruding from its body. For locomotion, the Repticore travels on two stubby legs which only allows the creature to run slower than any human but, replaces speed with strength and durability.  The Repticore's hide is extremely durable against temperatures, predator attacks, and acids. The two tentacles are capable of lifting a medium sized vehicles from the ground without any trouble and doesn't have any trouble squeezing another animal to death. The five tendrils on its chin are used as close range feelers and are used to drag the Repticore's victims into its dangerous jaws.

Having a large appetite, the Repticore only enjoys one species of monster: the Salamander, a fire-eating amphibian. Salamanders are the Repticore's main prey source and are attracted to the fire proof slime they give off. Though with Salamanders being smaller than a Repticore, the creature itself has to gobble up a whole colony to finally please its hunger for a day. That is why the Repticore is also an active predator of deer, livestock, other predators, and even humans. Once eaten, the prey item will become digested fully in about a week (similar like snakes). The Repticore, though slow, is an ambush predator who attacks without warning toward its victims. They're native to both the United Kingdom and Eastern Europe.
You'll be lucky if you could get this close to a Repticore. Though they do have poor eyesight, the tendrils or the tentacles can easily find you and allow the creature to gobble you up. The only way to defeat a Repticore is destroying it from inside.

The Boobrie: Scottish Horror Bird

The Lochs of Scotland is filled with dangerous creatures from the famous Loch Ness Monster to the vicious Kelpie. There is another predator of avian origins and its called the Boobrie. This Terror Bird sized creature is like a mixture between a Great Northern Loon (Gavia immer) and a White Stork (Ciconia ciconia). Extremely carnivorous, the Boobrie eats from a range of small aquatic creatures such as fish to larger land mammals such as calves and even humans. The Boobrie itself is a creature which favors hunting on the side of Lochs in tall grasses but, will occasionally swim into the middle of the large body of water to dive for larger fish. On land, the creature is more agile and can run up to speeds that can outrun any land animal or a small car. Also to make this menacing creature more dangerous, it can fly thanks to it's large stork-like wings.
In Scottish folklore of this dangerous creature, it was said that the Boobrie is metamorphosed form of the Each uisge (which is a water horse-like creature related to the shape-shifting Kelpie) and the Tarbh-uisg (which is a species of water-bull also related to the Kelpie). This is both false and true; the Boobrie itself is a species of pure terror and other creatures know this. Shape-shifters such as the Kelpie, the Each uisge, and the Tarbh-uisg learn by copying the image of another apex predator at an early age for protection or to strike fear into an intruder. Kelpies are known not to copy a Boobrie's image but, young Each uisge and Tarbh-uisg do for these reasons. Its a survival strategy used by many monsters and everyday animals called camouflage.
 The illustration above is what a Boobrie looks like appearence. Terror Bird size and appearence, Stork's structure, and the Loon's markings.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Onryo: Vengeful Ghosts of Japan

The Onryo is either a male or female spirit which cannot move into the afterlife due to the entity's goal to seek vengeance against the people or person who wronged them. The most common type of Onryo are female humans who were murdered, abandoned, or raped by the most evil of men (the same with males but, mostly uncommon). Being more aggressive and violent then any type of Japanese spirit, they're relentless on seeking revenge on the person who wronged them or anyone who has a mutual relationship with the target (new wife, children, and friends). In appearance, the Onryo wears either the clothing which she/he wore during burial (mainly white burial kimono for Japanese females); wild, unkempt long black hair, and either white or indigo colored faces. The only way to get rid of an Onryo is by either accepting one's fate or exorcisms.
The illustration above is a perfect example of a female Onryo. These types of ghosts can be also linked to natural disasters and are usually seeking for justified vengeance but, this isn't always the case.