Being extremely aggressive to certain extents, a Drop Bear will attack even dingoes or the Hooroo (a species of giant, aggressive kangaroos). Though mainly live in forests with high places to hide, the Drop Bear will occassionally travel into heavily populated areas to hunt. In Sydeny, Australia; Drop Bears are known to jump down from trees near parks and homes to attack dogs, cats, and even children. The Australian is twice the size of a regular koala, while the New Zealand and the Giant American Drop Bears are three/four times the size. The New Zealand are aggressive but, not as aggressive as the Giant American which are known to have killed other large carnivores such as bears and mountain lions. Drop Bears are known to adapt well to certain limits and after adapting, they become even more aggressive to fit it's enviroment. Humans who are in Drop Bear terroritory must at all times what for signs of Drop Bears. The best way to detect one is by spitting into the air to wait for a response for a drooling Drop Bear. 

The Drop Bear is highly dangerous and locals do warn tourists to avoid heavily forest areas. More people are attacked or killed by a Drop Bear each year in Australia than any animal (including the Hooroo).
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