After mating, the female will hide out in her underground den while the male goes out to hunt for food. Both the male and female Draggle stay together until the young grow to adulthood. The female will later lay two large, silver coated eggs. Draggle eggs are quite valuable in Australian culture and are favored by many predators so, in result both the male and female will take turns leaving the den to hunt for food. As soon as the eggs hatch, the female and male leave the den together to search for food. Each parent takes care of the same sex child if both a male and female are born. Sometimes one parent will have to take care of both children but, usually the other parent will help out in caring for their young. After learning to the basics of survival, the parents will start taking them along hunting. When they reach adulthood, the children leave the den to find a mate and the parents will stay together until one of them dies. Draggles are quite social animals and families from different generations are known to live nearby each other.

Some Monstrologists believe that the Draggle is the next evolutionary stage of the platypus (illustration above) but, the two species are quite different because the Draggle mainly lives on land, only venturing into the water if prey sources are low.
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