Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Funeral Mountain Terrashot: Migrating into Oblivion

The Funeral Mountain Terrashot are only found in the Funeral Mountain range along the California-Nevada border. They're described as having casket-like body with a shell running down the whole length (six to eight feet long in length). Though mostly related to tortoises, they are known to have features similar to mammals such as small ears and a hippopotamus-like tail. The Funeral Mountain Terrashot have four long legs which causes the animal to be wobbly in which it sways side-to-side or forwards-to-backwards as it walks. The feet are designed to travel amongst any terrain and their skin/shell prevents any injury while swaying near steep areas. Their habitat are in the little meadows and parks in the higher portions of the mountain range, where they reproduce extensively.

Next to their docile nature, the Funeral Mountain Terrashot only hurt other species and humans by accidentally squashing them in heavily populated meadows. Strangely, the Terrashot only feeds on small insects rather than being vegetarian in which Monstrologists have suspected. Though in some cases when insects are not available, they eat plants such as flowers or grasses. Once their meadows becomes too heavily populated, they have a strange, impulsive behavior to mate quickly then all the mature adults travel down the mountain in single file line to commit suicide in the Nevada desert by exploding, leaving large grave-shape holes in the sand. Some experts say they do this to bring down their population growth once their habitats over populates and something in their body (a type of chemical which is unknown by scientists/monstrologists) makes them explode after contact with sand. Whatever the reason, after the eggs hatch and their generation becomes too populated, the process happens over and over again.

The Funeral Mountain Terrashot, featured in this illustration above to show what they do during their strange migrating instinct, were discovered in the 19th century by lumberjacks and travellers.

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