Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Borlak: Attacking from Beneath

The Borlak is a modern day cousin of the dreaded dinosaurs which walked the Earth millions of years ago. This six to seven foot tall lizard is capable of weighing between 350-500 pounds, which gives the creature the edge on taking down medium sized prey. Though shy in nature, the Borlak will attack if provoked in order to defend its life or territory and rarely the creature will attack humans as a food source. In appearance, this human sized reptile resembles a prehistoric-looking beast with blue skin with yellow spines. The Borlak is an excellent swimmer which makes this creature dangerous as in the water than on land. Being an ambush hunter, the Borlak will dive beneath its victim (ex: a swimming moose) and then charge up to its prey to drag it underneath the water with its powerful jaws. The Borlak can be found in both the Americas and Canada in either swamps, rivers, and freshwater lakes.

Did you know that the Borlak can't digest fur, hair, clothing, or feathers? Due to its failure to fully digests birds and mammals, the Borlak had invented a low acidic vapor that could dissolve the fur or feathers of any animal. When a Borlak hunts, either on land or in water, it will release this vapor from its mouth to helpfully dissolve the items that cannot be digested. On land, the Borlak sprays it out of nowhere toward its victim and will either run off (due to a human or larger predator's presence) or will consume the prey item. In the water, if the prey isn't an amphibian, reptile, or fish, the Borlak will instantly spray its victim as it drags it underwater to successfully remove anything indigestible before consuming. Though the vapor can't melt the prey item's skin, it has been known to leave rashes on the body of humans if somebody has a reaction to the low acid the Borlak creates.   
The Borlak (image above) can both survive in cold and warm climates. It has adapted the ability to create body heat during the winter months through the United States and in Canada. The creature is known to hibernate if the weather worsens (heavy snowfall) but, will awaken once temperatures get into the right settings once again.

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